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The Little Lilypad is a lifestyle blog mostly written by a mum to two beautiful, cheeky and entertaining daughters. It is sometimes written by the Man on the Pad or by one of our baby bloggers. Occasionally we accept guest posts too. There is frequently talk of sustainable living, saving money, lifestyle and travel. It is hopefully helpful, sometimes funny and always honest.

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  1. Wot So Funee : I can't hear you

    Posted on

    This weeks Wot So Funee is being hosted by the lovely Stressy Mummy, you can find the linky here:

    Wot So Funee?

    This week our little in-house comedian has taken a back seat and the tween has taken centre stage, with a little help from her Great Auntie.

    My Auntie Jen is brilliant, she has a great sense of humour and used to spend a lot of time with my eldest daughter when she was little, so I think they have a strong bond remincent of my relationship with her as a child. She was visiting recently and I watched them as they happily played cards together, chuckling and laughing.

    Moments later they were talking about going back to school and the tween started telling her about her new Despicable Me lunch bag. Auntie Jen looked and said "Your what?, A Big Bummy lunch bag?"


    The tween fell about laughing and it took for me to "translate" what it actually was.

    Only moments later I shouted through asking my youngest if she wanted fish for her dinner, Auntie Jen looked up and said "no thanks, I don't eat fish". We all looked at each other and burst out laughing. Auntie Jen looked perplexed, she said "What? I am a vegetarian". 

    The tween fell about laughing again and had to explain to her Great Aunt that I was talking to her sister.

    Thankfully she laughed too.

    She maybe a Great Aunt on lots of levels but maybe her hearing is not so great these days. She really did utter the words "What's so funny?" So she absolutely had to be our Wot So Funee post this week.

  2. Wot So Funee : The drama

    Posted on

    This weeks Wot So Funee is back at its natural home with Actually Mummy :  here is the link if you need it;

    Wot So Funee?

    The little one provides us with endless one liners but today she has been a little grouchy and we were travelling back from the shops yesterday, where she was moaning and crying in the back of the car about nothing in particular. To be fair she had had to ensure school shoe shopping with her big sister but I told her not to be silly and through her tears, she looked at me and said

    "Mommy, shall I stop being so dramatic?"

    She is two years old!

    Sometimes, there are no words. (aside from her possibly repeating mine).

  3. Wot So Funee : The poo saga

    Posted on

    Wot So Funee?

    Wot is not so funee is the little one having a nasty water infection.

    Wot is not so funee is me enduring salmonella poisoning. I can categorically say that trying to put a "sample" into a pot was in no way funny).

    Poo pot

    But the toddler never ceases to amaze me with her continually expanding vocabulary (and current position of family entertainments manager) but we were all sitting round the dining table when she looked at me and said "Mommy, if you have finished go and put your plate in the sink and wash up!"

    We all burst into laughter, with the tween smirking as she knows that phrase is usually saved for her but then the toddler jumps off her seat exclaiming that she needs a poo. "I need a poo, I need a poo, I need a poo", needless to say we didn't make her finish her meal and off she toddled to the toilet.

    A few moments later, she is back with a proud look on her face ....... "Mommy, I have just done the HUGEST (said: hoojist) poo EVER".

    I think it is a fair to say that while we may have been feeling a little "poo" this week, we can always rely on her to cheer the mood!

    What have your little ones said this week to make you smile? If you have written a post, I would love you to link up!



    Next weeks Wot So Funee will be hosted by Actually Mummy.


  4. Wot So Funee : A clever sausage

    Posted on

    Do you know what is funny?

    I *almost* forgot to post the Wot So Funee linky this week.

    I absolutely didn't need a nudge from Actually Mummy and of course my post was ready and waiting to be published. 

    So without further ado, it may be short and sweet but here goes .......

    It has been more than a little warm lately and when picking the little one up from her first full day at nursery, we popped to our high street and celebrated what a "big girl" she was with an ice lolly. 

    All she could talk about was her new lunch bag and eating salad at nursery. She looked like a big girl and my heart ached just a little bit.

    We got back into the car to come home and despite the air con, the ice lolly started to melt. Now at home she always has a bowel with an ice lolly (to stop the drips obviously) but then when it eventually falls off the stick, she has great fun smashing it up in the bowl with said stick.

    So imagine my panic when a little voice from the back of the car says "mommy, I need a bowl" ...... I clearly had thought through the ice lolly in the car process.

    So improvisation mommy flew into action and whilst I don't usually keep a bowl in the car, I remember the lunch box and flipped the remenants of her lunch into the bag (lovely job for me later to clean) and handed her the box.

    She just looked at me and replied "oh mommy, you are such a clever sausage".

    I think that may be the best compliment I have ever received!

    Have your little ones said anything funee this week?