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The Little Lilypad is a lifestyle blog mostly written by a mum to two beautiful, cheeky and entertaining daughters. It is sometimes written by the Man on the Pad or by one of our baby bloggers. Occasionally we accept guest posts too. There is frequently talk of sustainable living, saving money, lifestyle and travel. It is hopefully helpful, sometimes funny and always honest.

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Choosing Household Appliances for the Family Home : What to Consider

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If the amount of washing I have done after this weekend is anything to go by, it is a good job we have a decent washing machine. Let's be honest, when it comes to buying white goods (or silver or black these days), it may not be the most glamorous or exciting task, so we are therefore delighted to share this sponsored post on the top things to consider when choosing a household appliance.

There's such a range of different manufacturers and models these days that choosing a new household appliance of any type can be a bewildering process. Some people just browse online or visit a shop and fall instantly in love with a product. Others are more methodical, researching functionality and value before coming to a decision. There's certainly nothing wrong with buying an item you simply like the look of, but if its destination is a family home, there are probably a few other considerations to bear in mind. 


In any family with kids, durability can be a huge asset in an appliance. Even if you have children that are too young to use that brand new gleaming microwave, they'll be hungry teenagers one day (and hopefully, you'll have bought an appliance that lasts).

Consider exterior surfaces and how likely they are to scratch or otherwise get damaged. Is the product generally robust, including movable parts, such as doors? Finally, how complicated is it to use? Many families find they prefer relatively simple appliances, rather than ones with a host of functions they'll never use. For others, the more all-singing and all-dancing, the better!


Depending on the type of appliance and the size of the family, you should also consider capacity. This can apply whether you are looking for a new fridge freezer, a washing machine, dishwasher, or any other appliance that services your family's needs. Larger families usually eat a lot of food and generate a lot of mess that has to be cleaned.


At the same time, you may also want to keep your eyes on the electricity bill. Larger appliances can cost more to run than smaller ones, but you'll still need appliances that fit the family's needs. Running one large wash in a high load capacity washing machine will generally cost less than running two cycles in a smaller machine. Most appliances in the UK now have an energy efficiency rating, but with a lot of new products rated A or above (A+ or A++), it can still be difficult to differentiate between different makes and models. New energy labels make this clearer, showing each appliance's annual energy consumption in kWh. 

Know where to shop

Of course, there are a number of other points to consider before making a decision. Some appliances represent major purchases, but the Co-operative Electrical Shop has a wide range of products that mix form and function, allowing you to choose the appliance that's perfect for you and your family. 

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  1. I find it so hard to choose a new appliance, there is too much choice.

    Posted on

  2. Good tips! Energy efficiency is always top of my list.

    Posted on

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