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The Little Lilypad is a lifestyle blog mostly written by a mum to two beautiful, cheeky and entertaining daughters. It is sometimes written by the Man on the Pad or by one of our baby bloggers. Occasionally we accept guest posts too. There is frequently talk of sustainable living, saving money, lifestyle and travel. It is hopefully helpful, sometimes funny and always honest.

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How did we survive without Facebook?

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I love technology, I am a secret tech geek. I love being able to get access to everything at the touch of a button but when I was left without a mobile phone for the first time in 15 years, I was grateful to Facebook and social media platforms to enable me to stay in touch with everyone! So what did we do before we had Facebook? How did we survive?

I remember when I would get home from school and ring my friend on the house phone (you know the one with wires).

I remember when I would make a date with a boyfriend and didn't feel the need to tweet / Facebook / bbm 10 squillion times before he actually came to collect me.

I remember when I would go out for the day in the summer holidays as a teenager, without any mobile phone, and just know that I needed to be home by 4pm. (I used the watch on my wrist to tell the time)

I remember when Candy Crush was just something you would get from the sweet shop at the end of the road.

I remember when I would go out for the night with my girlfriends and the photos we took would end up in an album. (the kind with a back and front cover)

I remember when I really didn't need to know what my friends had for breakfast / lunch / dinner  *delete as applicable*

I remember when only my closest circle of friends knew my business ......

facebook logo

So what did we do before Facebook? We definitely had more privacy but our circle of friends was possibly more insular. So if our privacy settings are right (and our candy crush addictions are kept under control), I think Facebook has brought old friends closer together (and possibly driven some apart). It has its place in today's society and there is no escaping it.

Now let me go and update my status .......


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