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The Little Lilypad is a lifestyle blog mostly written by a mum to two beautiful, cheeky and entertaining daughters. It is sometimes written by the Man on the Pad or by one of our baby bloggers. Occasionally we accept guest posts too. There is frequently talk of sustainable living, saving money, lifestyle and travel. It is hopefully helpful, sometimes funny and always honest.

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End of Term Sports Day

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With tomorrow heralding the end of term, it has to be one of the first years that the weather has not ruined the annual school sports day. I remember sports day as a child and it seemed like the sun was shining every year (but maybe you just don't notice these things as a child or I am wearing my rose tinted glasses again) but ever since my eldest daughter was at pre-school it has seemed like the weather has conspired against us.

Despite this, I have religiously been there every year, even those times when we were told on arrival that it had been cancelled or it was being held in the hot school hall, because it has always been important to my daughter to be there. She is the kind of child that will look into the audience at a school play and wave when she sees us! I always remember that my mum would be at every school event when I was in Junior school but when you move into Senior school, it is not so cool for your parents to be there cheering you on .... which was kind of a shame as I came into my own in Senior school.

I loved being active, whether it was ballet dancing, swimming or sports, I suppose I have a somewhat competitive streak! My eldest daughter however will happily help everyone else get to the finish line, rather than ruthlessly pass someone that had fallen over. That actually happened one year when her friend stumbled in the running race, she stopped to help her and her friend carried on and won the race!

Mum always told me that it wasn't about coming first but the taking part that counts. Unfortunately for me this year I couldn't go, the first year that her Dad went instead of me and guess what happened? Yes, she came first! 

School sports Day


This post was inspired by the Sainsbury’s School Games website  

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