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The Little Lilypad is a lifestyle blog mostly written by a mum to two beautiful, cheeky and entertaining daughters. It is sometimes written by the Man on the Pad or by one of our baby bloggers. Occasionally we accept guest posts too. There is frequently talk of sustainable living, saving money, lifestyle and travel. It is hopefully helpful, sometimes funny and always honest.

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Category: Lifestyle

  1. 5 Frugal Things I've Done This Week

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    I haven't written a frugal post for a little while, mainly because the summer hoildays sucked the life out of my finances but we shall ignore that "small" detail for now.  The beginning of September meant back to school, so after buying school shoes, new uniform and a seemingly endless supply of stationery, it was time to get savvy and a little more frugal.

    I have had to dig deep and find the best way to save money, so here is the best of my frugal ways from the past week.

    Last weekend we went to London to see friends but rather than stay in a swanky hotel, we stopped in their daughters room and on the first night, had a curry and stayed in with a few drinks. We could have gone out for a meal but instead of trying to catch up in a busy restaurant and paying for over priced drinks, we saved money and were actually able to hear each other talk too. Double win there!

    While we were in London we walked EVERYWHERE. Anyone who knows me will know that I am permanently in heels, so you can imagine how my feet felt after walking 20,400 steps around London. It was a gorgeous day (and in light of the recent tube attacks I also felt it was the safer option) but sometimes it is so easy to jump on a tube to get anywhere in London but we saved ourselves the cost of tube tickets and managed to see so much of London while we were doing it!

    I keep encouraging the girls to clear out their bedrooms (it is an ongoing process) and they have become a little enterprising, so everytime they look to get rid of something they now ask if I can put it on local selling pages or eBay for them. The youngest has actually made £50 and is loving making money to put in her savings account. 


    I am always looking to learn new things, so signed up for a free blogging course this week. I may have been putting content online since 2009 that is not to say there aren't lots of exciting things to learn and put to use. Fab to find a free offer too.

    Next week I am hoping to make some savings on my electricity costs ..... wish me luck! 

    As always, I’m linking up with CassEmma and Becky in this week’s ‘Five Fabulously Frugal things I’ve done this week linky.

    Have you managed to stay money savvy this week or blown the budget like me over the summe?

  2. Short Trips Are Just The Ticket, When Travelling With Kids!

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    Just because you have young children doesn't mean that you shouldn’t go overseas on holiday. Yes, some parents are put off, especially because of the hassle of getting through the journey part of the break, before you get the actual fun part of the holiday itself, can be immense. However, going overseas with the kids really don't have to be a nightmare. In fact, there is one thing, in particular, to bear in mind that can make journeys abroad with the kids a lot more doable, and that is to shorten your trip as much as possible. 

    Do Pick Short Flights

    Speed is of the essence, as they say, and never has an adage been so true, as when you are travelling abroad with kids. That means for the most part short haul flights to places in the UK, or Europe is a much better choice than long haul ones.


    Yes, you probably do want to take the kids to Orlando at some point or have a fabulous family holiday in Lapland. However, for their first couple of trips at least, make sure that you are on the plane for no longer than three hours at a time. As this will make it both easier for your little ones, and for you if the kids don't take to flying that well.

    Do Take Carry-On Luggage Only

    You can also make the whole journey time shorter by eschewing hold luggage and taking only carry-ons. Then when you get to your destination, you can get straight out of the airport and on to your accommodation. Meaning you won't have to navigate the wait for your luggage with a clutch of tired, hungry kids to look after. To help you get this right use tools like this cabin luggage comparison site. As they can help you pick the right size cabin luggage for the particular company you are flying with.


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    Just remember anything that makes the journey part of the break easier, means you will have more energy to enjoy the rest of the holiday.

    Don’t Go For Long Driving Holidays

    Now, I'm not saying that driving holidays are a bad thing. In fact,  they can be great value for money and fun for the whole family. However, there is a downside to them that you have to be aware of.  It is that to drive to a long distance destination, you will need to spend a long time in the car with the family, and I don't care how much you all get on, 10 hours and a ferry ride will test truly the best of us! This is without travel sickness and the inevitable "are we nearly there yet".

    So if you want to arrive unfrazzled and able to appreciate every single day of your holiday, go for shorter drives, something you can plan using sites like Leaving the longer ones until the kids are a little older.

    After all, what use is a holiday if it's not relaxing for you as well as them?

  3. 10 ways to keep the kids amused when the weather's wet

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    So, the six-week holidays are upon us and, as if right on the cue, the heavens have opened. Yes, The Great British Summer has sprawled itself over August once again, complete with dull grey skies, pounding rainfall, and spectacular thunderstorms. What’s more, that rain has wiped out your entire school holiday entertainment itinerary. 

    LLP - 10 ways to keep the kids amused when the weathers wet

    Playing in the park, picnics, long family walks, when the weather’s on your side, the list of summer activities is endless. Yet, thanks to the UK’s clime, us parents must prepare for the worst. We need a bag of tricks for keeping the kids entertained when we’re three-weeks deep into the summer break, and the rain just won’t quit.

    1. Perfect the Pinterest crafts
      You’ve had them pinned for months on end. Now is the time to brave the storm – bring out the coloured pencils, the paint, the PVA, and get stuck in!
    2. Rustle up a culinary sensation Have a flick through some cookbooks for inspiration and spend an afternoon making a luscious family dinner. Alternatively, children go wild for baked treats, you know, biscuits, cake and buns. Organised well, you can scatter such activities out across the remaining weeks, filling up mornings with quality ‘together time’.
    3. Tap into the autumn term
      If your school lets you in on your child’s topic for the upcoming term, use those rainy days to explore the subject. Perhaps there’s a book you can enjoy together, a film, a related local attraction. Google is your friend and learning can be fun.
    4. Look out for library events
      Meet the author, comic book creations, character-inspired crafts, check out your nearest library for some surprising summer fun.
    5. Swot up at local museums and exhibitions
      From Halifax’s Eureka! Museum to London’s Natural History Museum, the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre, Shakespeare’s Birthplace, and all that’s in-between. Inject a bit of culture into their break at museums and exhibitions.
    6. Head for the pool
      Swimming! It’s such a simple solution, you may have even overlooked it. Forever a crowd pleaser, pack up your swim stuff and take a dip with the kids.
    7. Bring out the board games
      Prepare some snacks, set the table, put a family movie on the tele, and you’re set for an afternoon of board games.MonopolyTrivial Pursuit, and Jenga are just a few timeworn family favourites, but why not try something new, too. Check out QwirkleArticulate, and Beat the Parents.
    8. Make the most of kids’ cinema
      New cinema releases often make the family calendar over the summer holidays. Yet, when the brood gets bored, early morning kids’ cinema can be a lifesaver. Showing films that have recently left the big screen, it is a cheap and cheerful way to pass a few hours, especially when it’s miserable outside
    9. Create a cinema at home
      I am usually one for letting light into the rooms and have taken every opportunity to create more light in the house with roofwindows (and because they are so easy to install too) but why not shut all the curtains and blinds and create your own cinema at home? Get some movies and popcorn, snuggle up on the sofa and enjoy some family favourites. 
    10. Just get wet!
      We all seem to have such an aversion to rain! For guaranteed ultimate family fun, brave the weather and just get wet! Kids love mud! Mud fights, mud pies, mud slides, whatever! Dress them in old clothes and let them loose. It is sure to be the day they remember from the entire summer break.


  4. Step Up To Parenting By Facing These Responsibilities

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    Let’s be honest; adulthood is a myth. None of us ever feel ready to take on those big life events. Instead, we float along and hope the hard decisions will go away. But, when you become a parent, it’s important that you step up to the responsibility. You’re not only letting yourself down now; there’s a little one along for the ride. Is it any wonder there are so many overwhelmed parents out there? All that responsibility at once is a big ask. That’s why we’re going to look at a few things you need to get right now there are children in your life! 


    Have you failed to settle on a career? You aren’t alone. A lot of us end up in jobs which are far from what we imagined. These are make-do jobs, rather than lifetime careers. But, there are bills to pay, and before you know it, you’ve been there for five years.

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    Once you become a parent, it’s that bit more important that you find a career you can settle in. The chances are, you’re going to wish you had done this sooner. But, hindsight won’t do you any good. Instead, take proactive steps to achieve your dream. Return to studying part time, or jump straight in and apply for careers which suit. 

    Why is a career so important? Because you need to offer a secure lifestyle to a little person. A  make-do job isn’t going to provide that. For one, the chances are that your wages don’t offer the best lifestyle. For another, you need a career you can feel secure in. Convenient options are rarely the most stable. How are you meant to build a life for your kid when you don’t know what you’re working from one week to the next?


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    You’ve been putting it off, but now is the time to face the future. If your security down the line isn’t enough incentive, consider your child. The money you put into pensions and life insurance policies will form the basis for their inheritance. So, it’s time to get round to it. The good news is, there’s plenty of help available to make this an easy and painless life choice. Talk to your workplace about a pension, or look online at private options. The net can help you with life insurance, too. Sites like my Insurance Hero can compare various options to ensure you get the best deal. As horrible as these things may be to contemplate, finally taking care of them will be a huge relief. And, your child will thank you later on!


    Homeownership is becoming less and less common. Houses are expensive, and private rentals seem like a safer bet. But, your child needs a secure home life. With rentals, there is no security. You stand to lose your home whenever the landlord deems fit. So, it’s time to finally get around to booking that chat with a mortgage advisor