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The Little Lilypad is a lifestyle blog mostly written by a mum to two beautiful, cheeky and entertaining daughters. It is sometimes written by the Man on the Pad or by one of our baby bloggers. Occasionally we accept guest posts too. There is frequently talk of sustainable living, saving money, lifestyle and travel. It is hopefully helpful, sometimes funny and always honest.

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What is your swerve policy?

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Quite recently I was told about "a friend of a friend" who had written their car off swerving to avoid a rabbit in the road. My other half said that unfortunately he would not have swerved for the rabbit because this would be endangering our children in the car and other vehicles on the road. He has a no swerve policy. But what if that rabbit was infact a child in the road? (and I dont mean a child dressed as a rabbit - just to avoid any confusion).

My children are a gift and its my responsibility to keep them safe. It got me thinking and as many parents do, your instinct is always to protect your children but what if the natural instinct is to swerve out of the way and inadvertently put your own children in danger? What then? Where we live, there are very often animals in the road and only last week a Peacock decided to take a stroll out in the road so a blantant no swerve policy would end up at the detriment of many beautiful creatures.

I go round and round in circles with this as my childrens safety is ultimately more precious than the rabbit who is trying to cross the road (I now wait for the animal activists to slate me for this comment) but this is not to say I dont care about the safety and welfare of our local wildlife .... but again, what if this were a child crossing the road?

I once had a holiday in the Isle of Wight and got extremely fed up of their "20 is plenty" speed limit signs but maybe speed is the culprit here, not the driver or the rabbit ...... maybe its about having a lighter foot on the accelerator pedal and rather than swerve out of the way, be in a position to do an emergency stop?

I am sure it is a debate that will generate many differing opinions .... so what is your swerve policy? Would you swerve to save the rabbit?



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