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The Little Lilypad is a lifestyle blog mostly written by a mum to two beautiful, cheeky and entertaining daughters. It is sometimes written by the Man on the Pad or by one of our baby bloggers. Occasionally we accept guest posts too. There is frequently talk of sustainable living, saving money, lifestyle and travel. It is hopefully helpful, sometimes funny and always honest.

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  1. 5 Frugal Things I've Done This Week

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    I haven't written a frugal post for a little while, mainly because the summer hoildays sucked the life out of my finances but we shall ignore that "small" detail for now.  The beginning of September meant back to school, so after buying school shoes, new uniform and a seemingly endless supply of stationery, it was time to get savvy and a little more frugal.

    I have had to dig deep and find the best way to save money, so here is the best of my frugal ways from the past week.

    Last weekend we went to London to see friends but rather than stay in a swanky hotel, we stopped in their daughters room and on the first night, had a curry and stayed in with a few drinks. We could have gone out for a meal but instead of trying to catch up in a busy restaurant and paying for over priced drinks, we saved money and were actually able to hear each other talk too. Double win there!

    While we were in London we walked EVERYWHERE. Anyone who knows me will know that I am permanently in heels, so you can imagine how my feet felt after walking 20,400 steps around London. It was a gorgeous day (and in light of the recent tube attacks I also felt it was the safer option) but sometimes it is so easy to jump on a tube to get anywhere in London but we saved ourselves the cost of tube tickets and managed to see so much of London while we were doing it!

    I keep encouraging the girls to clear out their bedrooms (it is an ongoing process) and they have become a little enterprising, so everytime they look to get rid of something they now ask if I can put it on local selling pages or eBay for them. The youngest has actually made £50 and is loving making money to put in her savings account. 


    I am always looking to learn new things, so signed up for a free blogging course this week. I may have been putting content online since 2009 that is not to say there aren't lots of exciting things to learn and put to use. Fab to find a free offer too.

    Next week I am hoping to make some savings on my electricity costs ..... wish me luck! 

    As always, I’m linking up with CassEmma and Becky in this week’s ‘Five Fabulously Frugal things I’ve done this week linky.

    Have you managed to stay money savvy this week or blown the budget like me over the summe?

  2. Ashes to Diamonds: Creating Something Beautiful

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    Diamonds 1

    Figure 1 Memorial diamonds from ashes

    Last year we lost my Nan, at the grand old age of 91. I can't say it was entirely unexpected and I had been struggling to watch her deteriorate over the months before hand. Dealing with the loss of someone you love is one of the most difficult phases of life. Arranging the funeral and the service and the cremation is not an easy, and drains the energy of all those involved. A few days later, all which is left are fading memories and an urn that is meant to stand on the mantelpiece, supposedly for eternity.

    How is keeping the ashes in an urn the right way to put your beloved to rest till the end of time? Why not turn them into something as beautiful for those who are left behind with the memories? Why not turn those ashes into precious diamonds in UK? I didn't realise but there are companies that actually help you do that. Do it for someone you have lost or tell your loved ones to preserve your memories in the form of a precious stone when you are gone.

    Diamonds 2

    Figure 2 A LONITÉ memorial diamond

    Memorial diamonds are your solution to making your passing easier for your family and friends.

    Memorial diamonds are diamonds that are literally made using your ashes or hair (how amazing is that?)

     Diamonds 3

    Figure 3 Diamonds made out of ashes

    Once I had thought about it, it is a lovely idea. Just give it a thought and you will realise the appeal this idea holds for you and your family. If given the chance, what would you prefer? Would you want to be stuck idle on a mantelpiece and forgotten by your family and friends or would you wish to be in their continuous presence in the form of something they will keep close to their hearts? The latter of course!

    Professionals use a specialised and fully controlled process to change your ashes or hair to diamonds or memorial diamonds in UK. The design of the memorial diamonds is left to the owner of the ashes or hair and every diamond from ashes that exists in this world is unique in its own way. You will not find a memorial diamond like the one made from your ashes anywhere else in the world!  (I always like to claim that I am unique)

    Diamonds 4

    Figure 4 A memorial diamond is unique

    The thought of transforming ashes or hair into a rare diamond in UK is in itself enough to make you want your family to take this course of action with your ashes. You will be turning into something of extreme value after you die and that feature is something that will stay with your family and your generations to come forever.

    Memorial Diamonds: Why They Are the Perfect Fit for Your Ashes

    There are several authentic and noteworthy reasons why you should seriously consider having your ashes or hair changed into memorial diamonds in UK. 

    DIamonds 5

    Figure 5 Memorial diamond in a ring

    Firstly, your ashes turned into a diamond will look much better on the hand of your loved ones, around their necks or hanging from their ears. Your ashes will take a beautiful form, forever reminding them of the wonderful memories you have left behind.

    Secondly, you as an ashes to diamond will be of much more use as a part of a jewellery piece than as the contents of a container. Having an urn full of your ashes is comforting to the bereaved, but as the feelings of sorrow start to fade and things return to normal, it will eventually be overlooked. If you have your ashes processed to form a diamond in UK, the chances of you being in the presence of a loved one at all times rises.

    Memorial diamonds from ashes let your loved ones stay better connected with you and the memories associated with you for a lifetime. As things fall back into place and people start to fit back into their normal schedules after your passing, your urn will be left alone in the living room or on a shelf which will be distressing for your loved ones.

    If you decide to have your ashes turned into memorial diamonds then you can always stay in their presence. You can be part of a jewellery piece they can wear all the time. This will help them in their grieving process and help them ease back into what was the norm before you left the world.

    Those who are left behind always have some feelings of regret. There is always something they wish they could change or could have a do-over with you. With memorial diamonds, you can relieve your family and friends of these feelings of guilt and regret, and ensure that they move on from these negative feelings. They will be comforted by your continuing presence in this world in the most precious form they could have chosen for you. The memorial diamond signifies your return to this world for your loved ones.

    Becoming a memorial diamond is the perfect way to give a unique touch to your existence after passing and will keep you in the loop for a lifetime. Plus, you will never go out of fashion! Ashes to diamond companies in UK and in other countries will request the ashes and hair of your lost loved one and will start the very technical process. One company who specialises in turning ashes to diamonds in UK is LONITÉ whose diamonds are allowed to naturally grow after the purification process which makes each one more unique. When creating a diamond from loved one ashes, you’re going to want it to be like no other which is exactly what the company LONITÉ provides.

    Diamonds 7

    Figure 7 A unique memorial diamond

    Step out of the comfort zones of remaining a pile of ashes and touch a whole new level of uniqueness by becoming a diamond. Your distinctiveness will be apparent in every feature of the diamond, from the colour to the size and cut. It is also a suitable option for your loved one you have lost recently. You know their memories are worth the time and money you will spend on the transformation. Memorial diamonds are your chance of transforming your death into a beautiful event and can be your way of giving back to those you cared about when you were alive. It is through diamonds made from your ashes that you can help them get over your loss quicker without removing your presence or memory in any way from their minds or sight. These diamonds are a way of bringing back your presence into their lives and even if they can’t see you or communicate with you, the fact that you are a part of something they wear is enough to console them.

    Diamonds are akin to feelings and emotions of love and care since they were discovered. Turning into one will be you commemorating your memory in the best way possible, while also helping out your family and friends. Your death can mean something beautiful to you and the ones you care about, so why not go ahead with it and seal the deal! This is your chance of shining bright like a diamond, while actually becoming one and dazzling all those you care with your glittery presence.

    This seems to be a trend that is becoming more popular with the passing of each year. Is it something you would consider?

  3. 10 Reasons to Love Autumn

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    It already feels as though summer is over. We can feel the crisp chill creeping in to the morning air, and the nights are definitely that bit darker.

    Sure, we still, officially, have a few days left of the summer season, but I definitely won’t be wistfully holding onto it, begging it to stick around for that big longer. Roll on autumn, I say.

    So long, the Great British Disappointment

    To me summer is always a bit of a disappointment. We put together all these grand plans for what we’ll do with the kids when the sun shines and the skies are blue. But the fact of the matter is, our Great British Summer rarely delivers.

    We have the odd few days of beaming, unbearable heat… and then we’re back to downpours and rained-off picnics. Your plans are in the gutter, along with the 100 mm of rainfall that so gladly graced your summer month.

    On the other hand, as summer comes to a close, we approach autumn. The season that doesn’t disappoint. We don’t expect glorious weather, we want candlelit evenings, autumnal leaf fall, and brand new wellies. And guess what, every year, without fail, we get it.

    This is, of course, along with some of the best festive dates of the year. Autumn is Halloween, Bonfire Night, and Advent. Yes, autumn even allows you to enjoy the Christmas build up without the actual pressure of entertaining over Christmas. As soon as winter kicks in on 21 December, that relaxed autumn ambience is well and truly out of the window.

    So, with all that in mind, I’m here to say autumn is awesome. Let’s embrace the change in season. Look, here’s a listicle. Let’s round it up – ten reasons why.

    10 reasons why autumn is the very best of the seasons

    1. Your autumn wardrobe

    Oh my goodness! Knitwear, gorgeous coats, scarves and the ability to layer soft fabrics to keep you wrapped up warm, what is not to love about an autumn wardrobe. It is also a great excuse to go shopping, especially if you had a clear out in the spring and in my case “have nothing to wear”, you can sit comfortably on your sofa and browse through online shopping sites such as ESPRIT, ASOS or Zara to find quirky, on trend, gorgeous new pieces for your wardrobe.

    Everyone always tells me that I need to add more bright colours to my wardrobe but autumn is a chance to celebrate those muted warm tones. Here are some of the things I am coveting right now.

    Autumn Wardrobe Goals

    Let’s be honest, can a girl ever have enough black jumpers??

    1. Acceptable weather

    By acceptable weather, I mean expected weather. Rain is all well and good, when you want it. In fact, in the autumn darkness, the pavement even gleams in the light of the lampposts. Yes. In autumn, rain is poetic. In summer, it’s merely an annoyance. All hail that crisp morning air as well. Oh, the relief after the summer humidity.

    1. Food

    Pumpkin, and treacle, and parkin, oh my! Flapjacks, toffee apples, chocolate apples, plums, soups, stews, dumplings, crumbles, hot chocolate, pears… oh, the food.

    1. Pumpkin Spice Latte

    OK, so we did food. But we all know pumpkin spice latte deserves to stand independently.

    1. BED

    Autumn is even so kind as to give us an extra hour in bed. As soon as we’ve settled into the season, enjoying pumpkin spice lattes and cosy roll-neck knitwear, it treats us yet again. No, stay in bed. Have a lie in. Autumn has got this. Boom… Daylight Saving Time ends. What a gem autumn is.

    1. Halloween and Bonfire Night

    Stress-free festivities for the whole family. Unlike mass summer barbies and huge Christmas dinners, Halloween and bonfire night are laidback autumn events. The kids are happy with a Wilkos dress-up. Heck, they’d be happy as a bin bag ghost, so long as they can knock-on, Trick or Treating. What’s more, there’s so many organised bonfires nowadays, you no longer need to fear for your life garden on Guy Fawkes Night.

    Autumn - AdobeStock_66178001

    1. Autumn leaves and conkers

    I don’t know if you have a dog, but even if you don’t, there’s nothing like walking through the woodlands during October and November. Falling leaves, the array of autumnal colours, conkers scattered all around. It’s beautiful. It truly is. And if you need reassurance, Insta loves autumn too.

    1. Cosy evenings in

    Forget fanning yourself down with the windows wide open. Crack open the cocoa, light your scented candles, and cosy up with your favourite blanket. At 5pm.

    1. View-worthy TV

    On the topic of cosy nights in… there’s so much on the box. Autumn greets us with Bake Off, swiftly followed by The Apprentice, Strictly, the X Factor. All the best dramas save themselves for the long nights, as well. Get on my tele!

    1. Advent

    Christmas is coming! And autumn allows you to enjoy it. All the planning, all the prep, all the Christmas music. The parties, the present-buying, the Santa visits. The excitement. It’s all looking so good; the anticipation is the best bit. Pre-winter everyone is a walking Will Ferrell in Elf. As soon as winter hits, the pressure is on to don your pinny and be the hostess with the mostest. Then you’re done. Done, and hopefully not in too much post-xmas debt. Fingers crossed.

    Here’s to autumn! We love you!

  4. What would be on your reading list?

    Posted on

    I read this week that the Book People had commissioned a report that found one in five UK parents do not spend any time reading with their primary school age children, with 54% of parents spending less than one hour a week reading to their children aged 5-11. I love to read and have always encouraged both of my girls to lose themselves in the story (although my youngest can be a bit of a storyteller but that is a whole other story) so was a little saddened that reading seems to be dropping in priority.

    I read at every opportunity, whether it is indulging in a paperback on a sun lounger on holiday with a cheeky cocktail in one hand or it is reading on my tablet in bed at night time, I can't imagine my girls growing up and not learning to love absorbing themselves in literature. 

    Girl reading

    Interestingly, researchers polled more than 3,000 people in a Travel Book Survey and found that three in four Brits (78%) prefer reading paperbacks on holiday over any other reading material such as magazines (7%), newspapers (4%), digital downloads or reading content online (4%).  

    I rarely read printed media such as newspapers or magazines any more but the study conducted by suggests a resurgence in the reading behaviour among ‘bookish-Brits’, despite the abolition of EU data roaming charges, which now makes it cheaper to download e-books as well as consuming digital content for less through electronic devices while travelling abroad.


    Reading is ranked as Brits' third favourite holiday pastime according to new research by Opodo which comes only after relaxing on a beach and trying the local cuisine. For me the book doesn't have to be a literary masterpiece but I love a story that unfolds, a thriller that surprises and who doesn't love a bit of chic lit?

    Apparently, this years top summer reads were .... 

    1. Small Great Things, Jodi Picoult
    2. I See You, Clare Mackintosh
    3. Conclave, Robert Harris  
    4. The Essex Serpent, Sarah Parry
    5. This Must Be The Place, Maggie O’Farrell
    6. The Gypsy Moth, Julia Fierro
    7. The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, Arundhati Roy
    8. Hunger, Roxanne Gay
    9. H (a)ppy, Nicola Barker
    10. Sour Heart, Jenny Zhang.

    I have actually only read "I See You" which was brilliant but it reminded me of a list I wrote a couple of years ago about books that made a lasting impression on me. Here is my list:

    1. My Husbands Secret - Liane Moriaty
    2. To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
    3. Sleepers - Lorenzo Carcaterra
    4. The Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton
    5. P.S I love you - Cecilia Ahearn
    6. My Sisters Keeper - Jodi Picoult 
    7. Forever - Judy Blume
    8. Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
    9. Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen
    10. The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown

    Lukas Balter, destination expert at Opodo, commented: "Going on holiday is one of the only times in the year that we can unreservedly put ourselves first and do what makes us happy, so it's no surprise to see people are so eager to pick up a good page-turner.

    “Getting lost in a good book or few allows British holidaymakers to indulge in a total digital detox for a week or two.”

    So what would be on your list?